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G-college Leadership program

Where managers become leaders! This program was created internally so that our junior managers have the skills and knowledge to lead their teams to success.



The G-college Leadership Framework is a guideline to help managers lead their teams effectively and achieve the desired outcomes. This training program sets out the 05 key elements that make a great leader and provide explanations, examples, and best practices for each key element that managers can latch onto to enhance their leadership skills.

G-college leadership framework, five key elements:

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Line managers must take full accountability for the work of their entire team, owning their team's both successes and failures, without blaming or excuses.

Extreme ownership

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Line managers always uphold high standards of work for themselves and their teams by being role models and being able to manage performance.

Uphold high standards

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Line managers must strive to create an optimal environment for their team to thrive among internal team members and other stakeholders.

Nurture team's spirit

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Line managers are the sounding board for their members when it comes to coaching, constructive feedback, and advice for self-development.

Empower learning and development

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Line managers should be aware of their members' well-being, while respecting their privacy, without compromising extreme ownership.

Empathetic leadership



G-college leadership model
G-college leadership model

April 14, 2022

G-college leadership model

Trainer: Dang Thuy Linh

  • Understand the G-college leadership ramework

  • Know how to implement the Framework

  • Reflect on their Leadership practices, identify gaps, etc.

Extreme ownership
Extreme ownership

May 21, 2022

Extreme ownership

Trainer: Daphne Nguyen

  • Understand the definition of extreme wnership

  • Able to improve goals setting

  • Able to be accountable

  • Able to identify failures and face them accordingly

Uphold high standards
Uphold high standards

June 18, 2022

Uphold high standards

Trainer: Anna Thu Ta

  • Understand standards of professional ork

  • Able to identify high and low performance

  • Able to improve performance of members remotely

  • Able to motivate members towards higher performance

Nurture your team
Nurture your team

July 16, 2022

Nurture your team

Trainer: Sang Dang

  • Understand a team structure and elements

  • Able to reflect and improve on team's culture gaps

  • Able to build bonds with members

  • Able to be collaborative  celebrate success remotely

Empower learning and development
Empower learning and development

August 20, 2022

Empower learning and development

Trainer: Erik Tu Duong

  • Able to coach members virtually

  • Know how to improve their feedback

  • Able to build a learning culture

  • Able to translate members' performance evaluations into short-term development plans (6 to 12 months)

Empathetic leadership
Empathetic leadership

September 17, 2022

Empathetic leadership

Trainer: Sophie Huong Tran

  • Improve listening skills remotely

  • Able to identify members' struggles and give support accordingly

  • Able to separate work and personal to support members accordingly

  • Know how to give personal support virtually



Our trainers have many experiences in leadership and management. They came from different industries with different level of seniority.

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Dang Thuy Linh

G-college leadership model


of G-college

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Sang Dang

Nurture your team

Senior Developer

at Lokalise

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Daphne Nguyen

Extreme ownership


of Arcady Farms

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Erik Tu Duong

Empower development

Product Owner

at SAP

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Anna Thu Ta

Uphold high standard

Research Consultant

at Open Health

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Sophie Huong Tran

Empathetic leadership

Country Director

at Orbis International

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